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Creating a Safe Work Environment with First Aid Training

Basic first aid training for support accident on-site

As an employer, your team trusts you to look out for them while at work. One of the most important and direct ways to establish a safe work environment is to ensure your employees have basic first aid training.

The Right Training for Scaffolding Safety

Construction workers on scaffolding

Scaffolding regulations are dangerous because they have severe consequences if not followed closely. Working with OSHA to ensure appropriate compliance and training for scaffolding safety is essential for any construction team.

OSHA's 4 Big Construction Safety Guidelines

Supervising the construction of a tower crane on construction site

Working in construction is more complicated than some people might think. As a manager or owner, there are many considerations, compliance requirements, and other behind-the-scenes business issues that many people never see.

Who Should Take Defensive Driving?

traffic cones in foreground with light and a car in background

Defensive driving courses are offered all around the country, and for a good reason. Car accidents are a leading cause of death in the United States, so defensive driving courses can help you to drive safer to protect yourself and your family.

Defensive driving is also required by many jobs that involve driving while on the clock. Defensive driving courses can save the company money, and applying the skills learned can help you be safer at work.

Why Training for Excavation and Trenching?

Engineer with hard hat and excavator machine at construction site

Excavation and trenching training are critical in construction because job site disasters like collapsing of trenches and the resulting injuries and possible fatalities are highly avoidable.

OSHA Competent Persons Training Overview

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Industry Concept.

Training and proper employee comprehension of safety, prevention, and compliance is an essential aspect of many industries and businesses.

Every Company Needs CPR Training

group of individuals doing a cpr training with instructor

Major health issues can happen anytime, in any location. It can happen at home, while traveling, or in the office. If you are responsible for a team in your office, they must know how to respond if a customer or coworker had an urgent medical issue.

MSHA Part 46

Workers in quarry, or surface mine, looking at a plan on clipboard

Do you have questions about MSHA, what it means for you, and how it impacts your workplace safety training regimen? Read on to find out everything you need to know, plus a few tips for implementing Part 46 guidelines.

The Difference Between MSHA Part 46 and Part 48

Miner reviewing  assessment, msha training at construction mine site

If you're seeking comprehensive information on MSHA guidelines, workplace safety, and the finer aspects that can make a significant difference in your training courses, you've landed on the right page. In this article, we'll delve deeper into MSHA Parts 46 and 48, equipping you with a thorough understanding of their purpose, significance, and how to seamlessly incorporate them into your complete workplace safety training regimen.

What You Need to Know

Let's address some of the prominent questions you may have about MSHA and workplace safety training:

What to Focus on in Workplace Safety Training

back view of a group of workers in hard hats attending a training on workplace safety

Workplace safety, and especially workplace safety training, can feel like a big responsibility--especially when lives are at stake. Here are just a few tips to make the task more manageable.
