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What You Should Know About Bloodborne Pathogens

OSHA safety concept with gloves and protective eyewear on workstation

The world is a messy and sometimes dangerous place. To keep your employees safe, happy, and comfortable, it's essential to understand all the requirements for avoiding specific incidents and health risks, especially when it comes to bloodborne pathogens. Here's everything you need to know, straight from OSHA requirements.

What You Need to Know About OSHA Safety Trainings

Man in suit holding OSHA booklet for training

OSHA safety guidelines are meant to help your team be safe, stay on the job, and protect one another and everyone around a job site. Compliance is essential for your business and employees. Luckily, keeping up with OSHA safety and training is easy when you work with a reliable training partner like Northwest Safety and Risk Services.

Workplace Safety Tips for Every Industry

business team working in office table, work safety overlay

Workplace safety isn't unique to any one industry. It is a universal need that must be met to protect workers as well as the company, and it takes a little work from everyone. Luckily, with these workplace safety tips, you and your employees don't have to feel overwhelmed.

Chemical Container Labeling

containers labeled properly

The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) describes chemical labels as information provided through a group of written, printed, or graphic appropriate elements concerning a hazardous chemical. These should be that placed on the immediate container of a hazardous chemical. The Hazard Communication Standard also is now known as the Right to Understand Standard, requires chemical manufacturers, importers, or distributors to ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals is labeled, tagged, or marked. Employers also have a responsibility for labeling and ensuring employees are trained on hazardous chemicals.  

OSHA Rules on Respirator Fit Testing

safety dust mask protection on Carpenter work bench

Workplace safety should always be a priority, but it has so many moving parts, considerations, and changing rules that many companies aren't quite sure where to start. To help narrow your focus and find effective and efficient ways to keep employees safe, OSHA has released new rules on one crucial aspect of workplace safety: respirator-fit.

Why Workplace Safety Should Be a Priority


Safety in the workplace is scrutinized today like never before. Not only can a workplace incident cause untold financial hardships as well as injuries to workers, but it can also ruin the reputation of a business. The OSHA guidelines have gotten more complex over time, so it's important to know exactly what is expected in each facet of your business in order to keep people as safe as physically possible. 

Power Tools: Avoiding Electrical Incidents

Electric Tools Safety

Power tools are common in many workplaces, with particular industries using them daily or weekly. This means that there are additional safety considerations that come into play that are specific to handling those tools. 

OSHA and Drug Testing Safety Incentives

drug testing

The rules set forth by OSHA give us a lot of required actions that every business needs to follow. And every year, the agency has a number of possible new rules that are assessed and then either rejected or accepted as new regulations. These possible actions go from the pre-rule stage, when no ruling has been made, to the rule stage and then to the final rule stage before they are accepted as OSHA workplace safety standards. In addition, clarifications are sometimes made on existing regulations.

OSHA's Severe Violator Enforcement Program

OSHA's Severe Violator Enforcement Program

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, known as OSHA, is in charge of enforcing safety regulations across every workplace in the country. However, it doesn't have the resources needed to monitor every single workplace. To help the process, it has created the Severe Violator Enforcement Program. This is directed toward workplaces that are more likely to have health and safety violations.

Cell Phones at Work: Safety Tips to Avoid Dangerous Distractions

Cell phones at work

It wasn't all that long ago that cell phones and tablets were completely off-limits at work. But today's businesses have realized that digital devices offer their employees better availability and can provide more means of productivity. For certain industries, however, this means that there are additional safety concerns that must be considered. 
