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Prioritize Workplace Safety with These Tips

Helpful tips about safety

When it comes to workplace safety, there are plenty of concerns in any given business, and the dangers often depend on the industry and type of work being done. Even so, there are plenty of general steps you can take to make sure that the safety of your workers is at the top of your list of priorities. Here are just a few.

Slips, Trips, and Falls at Work

Slips Trips and Falls

Slips and falls occur every day. These types of injuries and their recurrence can be minimized through proper safety knowledge and attitudes. Practice safety--don't learn it through experience. There are various ways to suffer slips and falls while working. You can slip and lose your balance, you can trip over objects left in your walkway, or you can simply fall from an elevated position above the ground. 

Work Place Safety is Everyone's Responsibility

Work Place Responsibility

SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY! Safety benefits everyone. With fewer injuries, a business can be more productive and profitable. By incorporating safety rules, employees avoid injury as well as illness from exposure to hazardous situations and substances. 

Ladder Safety

ladder safety at work

Injuries in the workplace because of ladders are commonplace. About a third of all reported falls are falling from ladders. There are over 10,000 reported ladder-related injuries in the United States annually! Work-related falls from ladders resulted in approximately 360 fatalities and an estimated 151,000 serious injuries each year. 

Drill Press Safety

What should you do before using a drill press? 

Drill presses can be dangerous if not used properly. 

  • Read the owner's manual carefully. 
  • Make sure you understand the instructions and are properly trained before operating a drill press. 

Machine Guarding Safety Tips

Machine Guards

Machinery-related injuries are some of the worst in the industry today. Workers get caught in machines and suffer severe injuries such as crushed arms, legs, severed fingers, blindness, or even killed. 

Forklift Seat Belts Matter


Forklift operators should always wear their seatbelts. Why? Analysis of forklift accidents reveals that the operators injured or killed often did not wear their seat belts. While forklift seat belts can’t prevent accidents, they can prevent serious injuries and save lives.

Back Safety

Backpain at work

Have you ever given much thought to your back? It's there when you need it, but only if you don't abuse it. The back is made up of four major parts. The spine, nerves, muscles, and the spinal cord. There are thirty-three bones in the spine and thirty-one pairs of nerves branching out from the spinal cord. All of them must work together. If they don't, you could end up with anything from a strain to a ruptured disk, fractured vertebrae, and/or a debilitating disease like arthritis.

How Safety Audits Identify & Address Workplace Risks

Workplace Safey

What steps has your company taken to minimize its workplace safety risks? Identifying your risks and implementing solutions to reduce them is the best way to deal proactively with the problem of workplace safety.

Facts About OSHA and Workplace Violence

Fights in the workplace

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) develops strategies for successful safety and health management systems. Their approach to workplace violence is one of prevention and zero-tolerance. Every business has an obligation to provide a safe work environment for their employees. OSHA regulations are in place to create a foundational understanding and criteria for workplace safety. Following OSHA regulations is critical to keeping your employees safe and your business afloat, since penalties can be costly.
