OSHA's Severe Violator Enforcement Program

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/20/2019 - 07:05
OSHA's Severe Violator Enforcement Program

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, known as OSHA, is in charge of enforcing safety regulations across every workplace in the country. However, it doesn't have the resources needed to monitor every single workplace. To help the process, it has created the Severe Violator Enforcement Program. This is directed toward workplaces that are more likely to have health and safety violations.

Here's what you need to know about the Severe Violator Enforcement Program.

Extra Enforcement After Violations

With this program, getting on the list is not what employers want. It calls more attention to them from OSHA, and it leads to a stronger expectation of enforcement. The strictest regulations are enforced in this program, and it can mean a big headache for any workplace. And because OSHA has declared these businesses to be more likely to offend, the organization will show up for multiple follow-ups to make sure the rules are continuing to be followed.

Employer Indifference is Biggest Factor

How does a company end up on this list? One of the biggest factors is a tendency of the employer to simply not care about being defiant. A business owner or manager who doesn't try to fix compliance issues and demonstrates little prioritization for OSHA issues is likely to foster violations of health and safety regulations. Perhaps the best way to stay out of this program, other than simply being compliant in every possible way, is to demonstrate a willingness to fix any compliance problems. Make plans to fix the problems, and follow through with them.

Serious Past Issues Add Up

Another common way to end up in this program is to be investigated for problems following the serious injury or death of three or more employees. If there are frequent injuries that require hospitalization, expect to be visited and perhaps added to the list. Having a history of not fixing violations can also earn a place on the list, and this is particularly true if the issues that weren't fixed led to any injuries. To stay off the list, always be aware of OSHA findings, and fix anything that has been judged non-compliant. This saves money in terms of lawsuits, and it keeps employees safer.

Staying out of this OSHA program is a goal for many businesses. If you have more questions about safety and staying compliant, contact us today.
